由Goldpay Ltd发行的黄金名画NFT卡,集黄金、名画、NFT为一体。 该NFT实体卡封面为著名画家冯钟云的经典画作,便于藏家收藏和线下鉴赏。每张卡含独有二维码,用户扫码即可绑定其拥有的区块链上(Polygon)NFT。 该NFT卡的一大创新特点是每张卡都标有黄金面值(如其中之一为10克黄金)。每一张卡标有的实体黄金都储存在Goldpay Limited公司的金库裡,随时等待拥有者来提取或者兑换成现金。

同时,通过与澳门莲花卫视合作,卡持有者可以每週在莲花卫视的直播节目中参加智力竞赛和抽奖活动,得奖品为黄金和冯钟云画家的真迹作品。 黄金名画NFT卡,结合了线下实体卡、线上区块链以及黄金价值,为拥有者提供了全新的价值和艺术体验。

由Goldpay Ltd發行的黃金名畫NFT卡,集黃金、名畫、NFT為一體。 該NFT實體卡封面為著名畫家馮鐘雲的經典畫作,便於藏家收藏和線下鑒賞。每張卡含獨有二維碼,用戶掃碼即可綁定其擁有的區塊鏈上(Polygon)NFT。 該NFT卡的一大創新特點是每張卡都標有黃金面值(如其中之一为10克黃金)。每一張卡標有的實體黃金都儲存在Goldpay Limited公司的金庫裡,隨時等待擁有者來提取或者兌換成現金。

同時,通過與澳門蓮花衛視合作,卡持有者可以每週在蓮花衛視的直播節目中參加智力競賽和抽獎活動,得獎品為黃金和馮鐘雲畫家的真跡作品。 黃金名畫NFT卡,結合了線下實體卡、線上區塊鏈以及黃金價值,為擁有者提供了全新的價值和藝術體驗。

The Gold & Art NFT Card, issued by Goldpay Ltd, combines gold bullion, iconic paintings, and NFT into one card. The physical cover of this NFT card features a classic art masterpiece created by renowned traditional Chinese ink-painter Mr. Feng Zhongyun, making it perfectly suitable for our prestigious collectors to possess and appreciate. Each physical card contains a unique QR code that allows its holder to link & bind the NFT & with card with owner’s info.

One special innovative feature is that each card has face value in terms of gold(e.g. 10 grams of gold). The physical gold bullion indicated on card is stored in the vault managed by Goldpay Ltd. Card owner could withdraw the gold bullion or sell it into cash at any time.

Moreover , through partnership with Macau Lotus TV. Cardholders can participate in intellectual competitions and lucky draws on Macau Lotus TV live-show every week, and win prizes including real gold bullion and authentic artworks by Mr. Feng Zhongyun.

Gold & Art NFT Card seamlessly integrates physical cards, online blockchain technology, and the intrinsic worth of gold and renowned painting. This unique combination offers holders an entirely fresh perspective on value and an immersive artistic experience.